Getting closure

It has been a good 4 years since I last spoke to someone I considered a very close friend. We went to school together, she left, we lost contact but then found each other again and then the rest is history. Now I have an amazing group of bestfriends and we have been a close knit group since 2009 but my friendship with this girl was just as good. When I needed a friend and my girls had their own business I turned to her, Whenever I just needed a bit of help or support she was there and vice versa. She was in a car accident on the same day my sister got married I remember when she called me, all I wanted to do was be at her side. All I could think about was her son, how he was and how he would feel if anything bad happened to his mum. 

Our friendship grew close really fast, a little too fast for others around us to understand. My boyfriend began thinking she was a bad influence on me because I was drinking and partying almost everyweekend and after work nearly everyday. Looking back now, I understand but during that moment I couldnt understand how my boyfriend didnt want me being around someone who genuinely makes me happy and enjoys my company. 

It was the day of one of my cousins 21st, he had his formalities and we returned home to relax and rest up to head back out later that night. I also had another cousin visiting from Australia who was at my house and didnt want to attend the afterparty, so being the person I am I said we wouldn’t go because my cousin from Australia was only in the country for a short time. Fast forward to the middle of the night my close friend comes over and I mention to my cousin that she’s single etc .. things progressed and they ended up spending the night together. I was happy and my cousin said it was only a 1 night stand so I thought okay, yeah cool. 

Fast forward a few days and my cousin and close friend are sneaking in and out of the bedroom, kissing and hugging in the sitting room infront of everyone and holding hands. Now, in the bedroom my cousin says why is she still here? Tell her to go home now in a joking way but then goes out into the sitting room and starts getting cuddly under the blanket. At this point I’m confused and unsure what’s happening. 

It then comes the time where my cousin returns overseas and long story short my close friend decides to tell me she and my cousin are now in a relationship and she will be relocating to Australia also. I say it isn’t a good idea, my cousin doesnt have a great track record with partners and I think my friend will get hurt, but nope her decision is final and she says to me “We’re together now and there is nothing anyone can do about it” I’m hurt, why? Because I thought the friendship we built over the years was enough for her to trust me. We became distant, our friendship lost and I now held memories with someone I thought I knew. 

That was all in 2013, It is now Wednesday 29th March 2017, I have just returned from a short trip to Brisbane, Australia annnnnd after 4 years I decided to reach out and let this girl know how she made me feel, how hurt I was that she threw our friendship away and now isn’t even with the person she left me for, it kind of sounds like a relationship her and I were in if you ask me, but it was a good, happy and crazy friendship and those are the best relationships. I reached out, putting myself out there not knowing if I was going to get a response, 24 hours went by and still no reply so i decided maybe it just isn’t meant to be ….. finally I get a reply and it isn’t anything like I expected it was an apology and more about how now she understands I was looking out for her. I knew she was living in Brisbane and asked if she would be up for visitors and sure enough she was.

I decided to take my boyfriend along with me because well, I just needed some extra support. We arrived at her house and I panicked, I remember saying I don’t want to do this anymore, I wanna go home but my boyfriend replied it’s too late now, we’re here. All I could do was put one foot infront of the other and hope for the best. I was literally shaking from head to toe and just thinking what do I say? Do I shake her hand? Do I hug her? What? ….

As the front door opened my heart began to beat so fast I felt like I was going to faint, a familiar face popped out, it was her son. He remembered me and greeted me with such a loving hug it just took me back to when he was younger and would always give hugs. I walked slowly into the house and there she was standing at the door with her arms wide open. I leant in and just remember hugging her so tight and we both cried, in that moment I swear it felt like we had always been friends. The rest of the night literally is history, we laughed, we joked but most of all we reminisced about all the good times we had together. 

I’m so proud that I built up the courage to take the first step to move forward, I hate living with weight on my shoulders, I really do. Lets just say I’m looking forward to the new memories awaiting to be made. 

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